August 2021 - Long Overdue Update

This update is LOOOOONG overdue. Development continues. The latest version of the game - ea v0.2.2 -(and demo) was released today. Pace is a bit slower than I wanted originally. 

But, the initial 2 months of Early Access release had me tracking down bugs; and, I added a few new features that I had not planned on adding.

For instance, a mini-map was added, a zone-map was added recently, combat was re-vamped, a few of the initial zones were revamped, etc.

All-in-all, good additions which should lead to a better overall experience.

The first part of the main quest is now completable within the game. The final part is currently being worked on. The game will now take place within the Umbrea realm.

Orignally, I had planned on a MUCH bigger world to explore. The reasons for the change is:

  • The world was too big for the framework that I am working with (technical reason)
  • I never would have finished the game trying to create the entire world of Farmoor and populate it
  • Umbrea turned out to be big enough to hold this adventure

Yep, over-ambitious with the world size. However, that does not mean future adventures in the other realms are out of the question.

An updated version of the framework that I use is in beta. I plan on using that version (along with a newer version of Unity) for any future adventures

Most zones have been added to the game. I still have 3 overworld zones and 2 dungeons (possibly 3) to complete. 

As I work on the final part of the main quest, I will be working on these zones to complete both at the same time.

Once that is done, I will be able to go back through cleaning up any issues, adding side-quests, resource nodes, etc to the world.

Please Note: at the time of this post (8/15/2021), the IndieDB site is down. I will update the demo file there as soon as it is back up. If you have a Steam account, feel free to grab the demo from there.

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